<MoneyLab> Hackaton The Assets - Workshop - 23 Oct 2021
Geert Lovink
geert at xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 6 21:53:57 CEST 2021
Hackaton The Assets - Workshop - Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven (NL), 23 Oct 2021 - 10:30-19:00
A Workshop with Black Swan, a Berlin-based collective pursuing horizontal and decentralised appraoches to the traditional ar wrold templates for art making.
- What is the value, or values, of art? And how is that value constructed by different ontologies of art?
- Can we compare the forms of value generated by different ontologies of art, if so how?
- How do different processes and practices construct different forms of value within Art? what are the material, technical, aesthetic, knowledge-based conditions that constitute Art's values in different milieus?
- What makes something sustainable and socially relevant?
- Can new systems of collective working methods equate to a sustainable economic model through the lens of Art?
Black Swan is a Berlin-based collective pursuing horizontal and decentralized approaches to the traditional art world templates for art making. For White Papers on Dissent, they will develop a nine hour hackathon at Van Abbemuseum during Dutch Design Week. The Assets invites up to 40 local cultural workers and organisations in groups of 2 to 4 people to a role-playing activity reflecting on the forms of artistic value created by their work. The hackathon aims to facilitate dialogue about the ontologies of art present in existing practices. The learnings will later inform the development of Black Swan DAO, an open-source tool-kit for artistic collectives.
This hackathon continues the investigation of White Papers on Dissent about the understanding of value as a non-capitalocentric notion, and the potential of using digital technologies such as blockchain to channel these values into alternative governance mechanisms. In this way, Black Swan helps unravel threads of thinking about value otherwise, as a fluid, diverse and community-oriented practice. To unlearn this concept, the hackathon delves into how creativity and innovation generate new models that foster diverse forms of value and its repercussions transforming social organisations. As a result, this projects expands and continues the research of White Papers on Dissent about the social uses of blockchains, and how this technology can support social structures grounded in alternative configurations of value.
Black Swan warmly invites 2-4 kin, peers or representatives of arts, academic, or scientific organisations to participate in a hackathon to explore different forms of value in the arts. We ask each group to bring a few valuable artefacts to your organisation. They could be objects, projects, digital things, exhibitions, knowledge, research outputs. This could be something that your org has developed internally or something from the world that it considers valuable. Please reply to this email with an image of something your organisation finds valuable to confirm your place at the hackathon.
The event takes places at the Van Abbemuseum, 10:30-7pm on 23rd October 2021. The hackathon will be followed by a dinner for all participants.
Established in 2018, Black Swan is a Berlin-based collective pursuing horizontal and decentralized approaches to the traditional art world templates for art making. Through peer support, artist-led funding and community organizing, they place resources into the hands of the users rather than the gatekeepers of the arts.
Black Swan is developing digital toolkits for artists through a methodology that puts play at the center. Existing communities of creative practitioners are invited to test and experiment with forms of interaction, modes of organization, and sustainable economic models in role-playing events, working groups, and hackathons. Through play, Black Swan is building an open-source and interoperable protocol for artistic communes, which will enable collaborative institutional forms and allow for a redefinition of what art can be. Launching in 2022, the Black Swan DAO aims to become a translocal and mutable source for distributing resources and value differently across interdependent art worlds.
Light Art Space <https://lightartspace.org/> partners with the Black Swan DAO initiative as a platform that engages the arts and its community. The partnership will enable the development of digital toolkits through an app that would put forth new ways of working together.
Black Swan is currently maintained by Laura Lotti, Penny Rafferty, Calum Bowden, and Leïth Benkhedda.
Black Swan has previously worked with or presented at: MoneyLab Berlin, The Serpentine Galleries, Goethe-Institut London, Furtherfield Gallery, AND Festival 2021, 221A, Trust Berlin, Berlin Art Week and KW Institute for Contemporary Art.
https://trust.support/feed/black-swan <https://trust.support/feed/black-swan>
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