<unlike-us> La Cura VS COVID19
xdxd.vs.xdxd at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 05:08:14 CET 2020
Hi everyone!
(I am reposting this from another mailing list because I think that it can
interest many here: sorry if I'm wrong)
My cancer decided to came back
I'm fine, don't worry: I have had another surgery that went well, and I'm
fully recovering
but this synchronicity has been really important
for those who remember, back in 2012, when I had my first cancer, i used
medical data to propose a global repositioning of disease in society:
a cure can happen only in the middle of society: that was the synthesis of
La Cura, the global performance into which I had transformed my cancer,
inspired by visionary innovators such as Franco Basaglia
What is, now, La Cura at the time of COVID19?
It turns out that it's a really meaningful continuation in the same
direction: a cancer and a global pandemic perfectly show the coexistence of
two dimensions: the individual and the ecosystem
This coexistence has a tragic aspect: the two dimensions can be at open war
with each other
This was perfectly clear, for example, while being in the hospital: I
risked not being able to have my surgery because of the COVID19 situation.
This tragic character of the situation is exactly the condition which we'll
start to face in the crises that are about to start coming up
systematically: climate change, migrations, poverty, health, access and the
The tragic coexistence between the individual and the ecosytem, and the
problems that come with it: which are complex and, thus, irreducible.
Complexity doesn't have "solution". It has a life, a way to cope with it,
but not a solution in the sense of being able to reduce it to a point.
There's no App for it.
In today's life we have tried all to try to remove tragedy from our lives.
And, instead, this new condition shows us just how much we need this tragic
dimension in our lives.
As tragedy is complexity, and complexity is tragic and irreducible: it just
doesn't go away.
And: with/after tragedy comes Agnition: the ability to understand,
recognize and transform/adapt.
In our world, this tragic dimension has a lot to do with data and
The complex phenomena of our planet can be only experieced through enormous
quantities and qualities of data, and through the computation needed to
collect them, and to processes and represent them. How can I experience
climate change (as a global phenomenon, not just because it is hotter in my
city)? COV19? Povety? etc
Data, data, data, and computation.
Understanding this tragic condition, in context, means that data +
computation need to be addressed as existential issues, not as technical
This means a necessary focus shift towards finding/building the new
rituals, times, habits, practices and traditions with which we will learn
to inhabit our world through data and computation.
This is, for example, what we've been doing with the Datapoiesis project:
And this is what we will continue to do now, through this tragic
continuation of La Cura.
We started writing two articles about it: they're in italian for now, but
if there's interest and if someone who speaks native english can help me
out, we'd love to translate and share.
Here they are, and we designed the article series so that we arrive at a
total of 10 articles:
BTW: if anyone wants to join in: i think it would form a wonderful
publications in these times of "La Cura VS COVID19"
Thanks everyone: be safe and happy
Art is Open Source - http://www.artisopensource.net
Human Ecosystems Relazioni - https://www.he-r.it/
Ubiquitous Commons - http://www.ubiquitouscommons.org
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