<videovortex> telemission, Weimar

Vera Tollmann vera.tollmann at gmx.net
Sun Jul 15 23:26:03 CEST 2007

English version

On Friday July 13th at 10 pm our 24 hour-YOUTUBE-Marathon will begin!
What is that? Where does it lead to? What is the outcome?
Self-referential, self-promotional or self-destructive?
Find out more about it by joining us physically or online anytime
over the 24 hours. Whenever you choose to drop in we will be there,
producing videos for YouTube until we go crazy or drop from exhaustion.
And the best thing about it: everybody is welcome to participate.
Be part of our 24 hour long chain message. Take control of what will happen next.

On Saturday night at 10 pm, after we have reached the finishing
line, it will be party time for eveybody.
So don´t miss out on this unique opportunity! Come join us as
often as you want for as long as you want at
Richard-Wagner-Str. 17 or online at:



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