<videovortex> help needed

politube admin at politube.org
Fri Nov 27 14:22:11 CET 2009

thanks for the tip, in fact I know hetzner and I overlooked the 2x
factor in their description (I thought it only came as raid). If I could
only get my hands on the 50€ a month then my problem would be solved :-)

> j at mailb.org wrote:
>> On 11/27/2009 01:47 PM, politube wrote:
>>>    2. the second best solution would be, if you can donate some money to
>>>       pay for monthly fees of online storage,  the going rate seems to
>>>       be around 50€/month for about 750GB (0.75 TB) . Perhaps some
>>>       people here know of cheaper solutions and they can share their
>>>       experience with me?
>> at http://www.hetzner.de/de/hosting/produkte_rootserver/eq4/
>> you get 2x750 if you combine that with a local backup on an external usb
>> drive you have about twice the space for the same price, only downside
>> is that you will need some fast upload in case the server breaks.
>> j

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