<videovortex> Conferentie: Imagine an audience, Piet Zwart Institute, 31-1 + 1-2

Sabine Niederer sabine at networkcultures.org
Tue Jan 18 18:57:08 CET 2011

Piet Zwart Institute in samenwerking met Kino Climates, 
als deel van IFFR XL programma:

Artists' filmmaking post-cinema & -tv
31-1, 1-2 & extra's

Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool Rotterdam
Locatie Mauritsstraat 36, 3012 CJ Rotterdam
Toegang: 5 EUR/dag
(gratis voor WdKA studenten & docenten, en voor mensen met IFFR XL pass 
of IFFR industry paspoort)

Niet langer is de productie van artistieke films afhankelijk van de
traditionele podia als bioscoop en televisie. Tussen het YouTube-filmpje
en de big budget-cinema is een nieuwe ruimte ontstaan, waar steeds meer
filmmakers ingedoken zijn: micro-cinema's en allerlei alternatieve
systemen op het internet. Wie zijn de bezoekers en wat betekent deze
ontwikkeling voor het hedendaagse kunstbestel? In het Piet Zwart
Institute worden tijdens een tweedaagse conferentie deze kwesties vanuit
een artistiek oogpunt aan de orde gesteld.

For artists, making and distributing films is radically changing in a
time where traditional pillars like theatrical screenings and tv
co-production are breaking away. This conference will look at new
spaces, audiences, modes and media for filmmaking beyond either YouTube
or big budget: micro cinemas, the contemporary art system, alternative
systems in the Internet. What kind of filmmaking is emerging here?

(Conferentie in het Engels)

Monday, January 31st
12:00 - 14:30
Introduction: Florian Cramer, Simon Pummell (Piet Zwart Institute)

Kino Climates: Micro cinemas worldwide
Paolo Davanzo and Lisa Marr, Los Angeles on alternative filmmaking at
the Echo Park Film Center and on the filmmobile bus
Katia Rossini, Cinema Nova Brussels/Kino Climates
Vassily Bourikas, Thessaloniki Film Festival Experimental Forum/Kino
Climates on networking independent cinemas
Mervin Espina, Manila on DV and micro cinemas in Malaysia, Vietnam and
the Philippines

15:00 - 17:00
Giving it away? - the Internet
Tommy Pallotta, Amsterdam on bittorrent for independent film
Paul Keller, Amsterdam on alternative systems for filmmakers in the
Bregtje van de Haak (via Skype) on filmmaking in the digital commons

Tuesday, February 1st

12:00 - 14:00
Panel: Limited Editions - filmmaking for the Fine Art system
Moderated by Edwin Carels (IFFR)
Luke Fowler, Glasgow on 16mm filmmaking for art spaces
John Smith, on filmmaking for cinema screens and art spaces
Michel Chevalier, target.autonompop Hamburg on what's wrong with the
contemporary art system

14:30 - 17:00
Concluding panel: What is a low budget feature? And where?
Michel Reilhac, Paris, ARTE
Keith Griffiths, film producer, London
+ roundtable with Paolo Davanzo, Lisa Marr, Mervin Espina, Michel
Chevalier, Luke Fowler and members of Kino Climates

18:00 exhibition opening Cinegraphic / Photomatic

Adjunct programme

Wednesday, February 2nd
19:30 - 22:00
John Smith, A selection of works, with lecture
John Smith will present a selection of his short films and talk about
the ideas that have informed his work over the past 35 years.
(Organized by the Master of Fine Art, Piet Zwart Institute)

Throughout the IFFR
Cinegraphic / Photomatic
Location: Academiegallery BLAAK10, Witte de Withstraat 7, 3012 BC

As moving images spill out of the cinemas, into the streets, leaking
through mobile phones and media devices, much of the viewing experience
has migrated to diverse spaces, both public and private. With these
changes, contemporary image makers are pressed to rethink the
traditional categories of moving and still image - photography, film and
An exposition with work from the Lens-Based orientation of the Master
Media Design & Communication of the Piet Zwart Institute at
Academiegallery BLAAK10, Witte de Withstraat 7, 3012 BC Rotterdam

Regular opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 11-18, Saturday-Sunday 13-17,
closed on Mondays
Exhibition opening: Monday, February 1st, 18:00

Florian Cramer, lector
/ Kenniscentrum Creative Professions
 Hogeschool Rotterdam
/ Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy

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