<videovortex> What is Video? & Generation Z
Andreas Treske
treske at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 22:35:48 CET 2016
What is VIDEO?
Every fall term we as many other universities have an orientation week for the new freshmen students. While there are lots of campus-wide activities there is only one short meeting of two hours with the department and the faculty. This year the students entering out department are exactly the same age as our department itself. So, having been there 18 years ago in the founding faculty (nostalgia), but also being asked to present my research to these kids, I just was curious what they think what ‘video’ is. So, I asked them to write it on a little post-it I handed out.
Here following are the answers of nearby 70 first day students at Bilkent University in Ankara. Thanks to Duygu Naz for the fast translation. In addition, cause I got so curious, the list is followed by the answers of some of our 3rd year students and the answers from some of our graduate students.
• Creation and display of the visual conditions in the digital environment. Nowadays, it can be constituted by cell phone, camera and so. (Görsel durumların dijital ortamda hareketli şekilde yaratılması, oynatılmasıdır. Günümüzde cep telefonu, kamera vs. aygıtlarla oluşturulabilir.)
• Harmony of specific colours and sounds (image etc.) But only its hormony, not to be meaningful. (Belirli renklerin ve seslerin uyumu (görüntüsü vs.) Ama sadece uyumu, anlamlı olması değil.)
• Assemblage (community) of image and sound / Görüntü ve ses topluluğu
• Video is a illusion that consist of many images. / Video bir çok resimden oluşan illizyon
• Video is an infinite recording process of audiovisuals. Everything concrete or abstract that has recorded can be stored forever. / Video, ses ve görüntünün sonsuza dek kaydedilmesidir. Kayde geçen soyut ve somut her şey sonsuza kadar saklanabilir.
• Flow of knowledge in front of the camera / Bilginin kamera önünde akışı
• Video that indeed has an aim and meaning is an communication tool to explain us something. / Video, bir amacı olan bir anlam içeren bizlere bir şeyler anlatmak isteyen aslında bir iletişim aracıdır.
• Concretizing and showing people, what do you have in your brain / Beni o kadar etkilemeli ki videoda gördüğüm şeyler düşüncelerimi, hatta hayallerimi şekillendirmeli, bir video bunu vermeli
• It is an occasion to express ourself and to bring our imagination to the sunrise. / Kendimizi ifade edebileceğimiz ve hayal gücümüzü gün yüzüne çıkarabileceğimiz bir fırsattır.,
• Çekilmek istenen duygu ve düşüncelerin kameraya yansımasını planlı veya plansız çekilip kayıt altına alınması.
• Recording life / Hayatı kaydetmek
• Device can record audio and visual and then display it to a screen. / Ses ve görüntü kaydedebilen, sonrasında bir ekrana yansıtmaya yarayan bir aygıt
• I think video is a tool to show what we want to show people and to emphasize the image we want to emphasize. It is the most comfortable way to communicate with a person. / İnsanlara göstermek istediğimiz ve vurgulamak istediğimiz görseli gösterme aracıdır bence video. Bir insanla en rahat iletişim kurma yoludur.
• Moving picture. If a one picture is thousand words, one video is an extended essay. / Hareketli resim, bir resim 1000 kelime ise, 1 video extended essay’dır.
• Video is a video. / Video, videodur.
• Transferring the personal view of the director and the other team members while they are hiding behind the curtains. / Yönetmenin ve diğer ekibin sinema perdesi arkasına saklanarak kendi bakış açılarını seyircilere aktarmasıdır.
• I think it’s shaping the real world with our perceptions. / Gerçek dünyayı kendi algımızla biçimlendirebilmek olduğunu düşünüyorum.
• Entire moving images with a specific message / Belli bir mesaj içeren hareketli resimler bütünü
• Platform, which supply the transfer of chosen thoughts and emotions / Görüntülerle aktarılmak istenen düşüncelerin ve duyguların aktarılmasını sağlayan platform.
• Motion picture / Hareketli görsel
• Moving image / Hareketli görüntü
• Impression
• Chance to repeat what has been lived. / Yaşananı tekrar etme şansı
• Video is a process of transfering lived reality. / Video yaşanan gerçekliğin ekrana aktarılmasıdır.
• Motion picture is made up scanning of 24 or 48 shoots in a second. / Saniyede 24 veya 48 fotoğrafın taranmasıyla oluşan hareketli resim
• Unity of moving memories and emotions / Hareket eden anılar, duygular bütünü
• Video, güncel yaşantı içerisinde yaşanan olayların belirli bir amaç için (haber, mizah, sosyal mesaj) teknoloji kullanarak salt hale getirilen hareketli çekimlerdir.
• Hundreds of images one after another / Arka arkaya yüzlerce resim
• Motion photography / Hareketli fotoğraf
• It is an actuation of thoughts. / Düşüncelerin harekete geçirilmesidir.
• What is video?: Audio visual communication tool. It is various communication networks like film, animation or news that support to narration accessible in artificial environments. / Video nedir: Görsel, işitsel dijital iletişim aracı sanal ortamda erişilebilen anlatımı destekleyen film, animasyon haber olmak üzere çeşitli iletişim ağı.
• Moving picture with sound / Sesli ve hareketli fotoğraf /
• Compression of what is wanted to be seen in the minute / Görmek istenilenin dakika içine sığdırılması
• Editing, logic and intelligence / Kurgu, mantık, zeka
• It has been said that video is what is recorded in determined amount of photographs on a digital sensor in a second. / Dijital bir sensör üzerine saniyede belirlenen kare sayısı kadar fotoğraf kaydetmeişine video denir.
• Video is a trickery of human and soul that is supposed to turn motionless into motion / Video, hareketsizliğin harekete dönüştürüldüğü sanılan insan ve ruh kandırmacasıdır.
• Extracting a dream (transfer) / Hayali aktarmak
• A short film that is taken in any issue / Herhangi bir konuda çekilen kısa film
• Video is a motion part of a specific time / Video, belli bir zamanın hareketli kesimi
• Reflection of life on the screen / Hayatın ekrana yansıması
• Moving picture
• Revival of a photography or image that I have seen / Gördüğüm bir fotoğraf ya da resmin canlanması
• Visual that can be record alive and watch after / Anda kaydedilip daha sonra da izlenilebilen görsel
• Motion pictures that are archived by materials. / Materyallerle kayıt altına alınan hareketli görüntüler
• Something that we can watch fun things / Komik şeyleri izleyebildiğimiz şey
• Video is a camera shooting that we can afford. / Video; gerekli altyapıyı sağlayıp, bir konuya bağlı görüntülü çekim
• Combination of moving shots has been said is video. / Hareketli karelerin birleşimine video denir.
• Video is a recording of an ordinary moment to the materials. / Video herhangi bir anın materyallerle kaydedilmesir.
• Video: is a whole of combination consist of what is visible and what is in our minds / Video: Görünen ile kafamızdakilerin birleşimi olan kareler bütünü
• Video is the part of the moments that is recorded because we want to keep this part alive rather than loose them / Video canlılığını yitirmesini istemediğimiz anların daha canlı kalmasını istediğimiz için o anların kameraya çekilmiş kısmıdır.
• Video is projection of motionless shots within an orderly perspective on the screen. / Video, hareketsiz karelerin sesli ve düzenli bir hareketsel perspektifte ekrana yansıtılmasıdır.
• Video is a catching a moment. / Video; anı yakalamaktır.
• Moving or non moving , continuing visual with or without audio. / Hareketli veya hareketsiz, sesli veya sessiz süreli görüntüdür.
• What is video? In simple man’s definition video is moving pictures, but for me it is of showing much more just with few pictures
Here are the answers from our 3rd year video production class first week (age 21/22):
1) Video = animated movements of what you are pointing your camera
2) Experience / feelings / decisions
3) Set of images that are moving
4) See the moment with different perspective
5) Video can be a good story telling by using visual effects and it can reflect our imaginary power
6) Video is a tool which makes feelings alive and change abstract thoughts
7) Telling an occasion with images
8) Visual and audio material with a theme/story that provokes reaction and emotion from the viewer
9) When something is recorded with a camera and shown to the audience
10) Video for me is a visual entertainment with sound/ without sound
11) Video is a multimedia form that includes a moving image & audio
Section 2
1) Combination of moving images
2) Video is a sequence of moving images that work together to form an idea
3) Video is dream, represents a good idea or makes a regular idea to good ones
4) Video is the moving image which is fiction of non-fiction
5) Video is the most effective way to express yourself
6) Video is the moving images that has both video and sound that are editable
7) Video is expression some moment of feelings about being alive
8) Life capture by really careful people
9) I think video is a combination of moving images, which try to give some messages. It is a tool for expressing ourselves.
10) Video is a moving images, collection of moving images. Capturing of action.
11) Video is the representation of our imagination.
12) Video is a combination of images tied to each other.
And finally our first year graduate class (age 24 up):
1) Video is combined still images and motion picture who play on temporal and spatial relation
2) A lot of images + sound
3) A message operates in different channels of communication at the time
4) Moving, motion pictures
5) Moving picture
6) Recorded image in time
7) Video is moving image with sounds (audio) and I believe that we are not with videos we are within video.
8) Video is combination of images.
9) Video is a form of moving images that aims to represent a story or an idea.
10) Visuals that has some sort of (vast or minor) affect on people. Sorcery. Video: images + meaning + impact
Andreas Treske
treske at bilkent.edu.tr
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