::fibreculture:: ArtLab applications close 7 December 2010

Ricardo r.peach at australiacouncil.gov.au
Thu Sep 9 06:23:39 CEST 2010


Applications close: 7 December 2010

The Inter-Arts office of the Australia Council for the Arts supports
new interdisciplinary research and creative development projects with
grants of $75,000.

The ArtLab initiative is for experimentation and collaboration between
artists from multiple disciplines to explore new artistic practices.
It supports substantial, long-term research and development projects.

The emphasis is on innovation, risk taking, artistic integrity and the
creation of new ideas. ArtLab brings together artists and
collaborators in new creative contexts that fuel cross-fertilisation
of ideas and artforms.

The main objectives of the program are to provide significant
opportunities for:

new collaborations between artists that explore creative risk-taking
and cross-artform experimentation
promoting the importance and critical role of interdisciplinary
research and development in the arts.


ArtLab proposals should present research and development projects with
an artistic process that demands a very high degree of risk-taking
from all involved. Artists involved in ArtLab are expected to
experiment with radical creative processes and be flexible to outcomes
that cannot be predicted in advance.

The project should span a significant period of time - from 1 to 2
years - with a detailed budget and research plan corresponding to this
timeframe. The project may involve presentation of work in progress or
peer feedback via some other public forum.

Proposals must demonstrate significant cash or in-kind support for the
ArtLab to occur.

Examples of previous successful ArtLab applications can be found on
our website

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