[Filmfestivalresearch] NECS in Paris Workshop CFP: Traces: Film Festivals & Histories (deadline for proposals 23rd January 2017)

Dorota Ostrowska ubwc156 at mail.bbk.ac.uk
Mon Jan 9 11:27:41 CET 2017

Dear Colleagues,

You are kindly invited to submit proposals for the workshop planned for the
NECS conference in Paris entitled "Traces: Film Festivals & Histories".
Details are below. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get
in touch.

Kind regards,

Dorota Ostrowska

*Workshop CFP*

*NECS 2017 Paris*

*Traces: Film Festivals and History*

The bulk of the film festivals research has been focused on the study of
film festivals as temporary and contemporary phenomena privileging such
areas as experience and liveness. This focus has exposed the film festivals
historical dimension as somewhat neglected, difficult to engage with and at
times even irrelevant. The important exceptions have been a volume edited
by Alex Marlow Man, *Archival Film Festivals, *a recent special journal
issue edited by Lydia Papadimitriou and Jeffrey Ruoff, “*Film Festivals:
Origins and Trajectories*”, and studies of histories of individual
festivals (Schwartz, Jungen, Corless & Darke, Bláhová, Fehrenbach, Stone).

            This workshop invites contributions which will explore
different ways in which film festivals research could engage with history
which encompasses but is not limited to film festival histories, film
history, archival research and resources, methodological and linguistic
issues, and difficulties of conducting historical research in relation to
film festivals. In addition we are particularly interested in exploring the
ways in which the historical dimension of film festivals could be made
relevant to a film festival as a life event, which includes but is not
limited to the festivals’ engagement with and exploitation of their own
histories, film retrospectives and ways of preserving the historical
heritage of film festivals.

*Contribution are limited to 10 minutes. Please, email your contribution
proposal with a title and a 100-150 word description to Dorota Ostrowska at
**d.ostrowska at bbk.ac.uk* <d.ostrowska at bbk.ac.uk>* by Monday 23rd January

Senior Lecturer in Film and Modern Media
Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies
Birkbeck, University of London
London WC1H 0PD
tel. 020 76316104
Follow me on academia.edu
BA Global Cinemas & Screen Arts: https://youtu.be/VTe1c2faz7k

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