<CPOV> New book "The Digital Potlatch"

nathaniel tkacz nathanieltkacz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 01:59:00 CEST 2011

hi felipe - congratulations! i see on your blog that the book is just in
spanish for the time being. do you have any concrete plans to translate it?
alternatively, you might consider writing a summary essay of the book in
english. i'm sure many people are interested.

Nate Tkacz

ARC Research Associate
Genealogies of Digital Light
The University of Melbourne
Site: http://www.digital-light.net.au/

PhD Candidate
School of Culture and Communication
The University of Melbourne

Twitter: http://twitter.com/__nate__

Research Page: http://nathanieltkacz.net

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Felipe Ortega <jfelipe at libresoft.es> wrote:

> Hi CPOViewers.
> I hope this message is not considered as blatant self-promo. I just think
> it
> could be of interest for some of you.
> I've just published a new book about Wikipedia, with Joaquín Rodríguez
> (vice-
> dean of EOI, and PhD. in Social Anthropology).
> The title is "El Potlatch Digital: Wikipedia y el Triunfo del Procomún y el
> Conocimiento Compartido", which translates (approx.) to: "The Digital
> Potlatch: Wikipedia and the Triumph of Commons and Shared Knowledge".
> The book is an interesting exercise of mixing a sociological and
> qualitative
> perspective (from Joaquín) with an empirical and quantitative approach (my
> own) to further investigate the motivations driving the work of Wikipedia
> editors. The book borrows the well-known case (in Social Sciences) of the
> Native American "Potlatch" to illustrate the importance of meritocracy and
> effort recognition in the editorial process.
> You can fin additional info in this post:
> http://blog.felipeortega.net/?p=304&preview=true
> Unfortunately, I know that many of you can't read Spanish. The book has
> been
> written in Spanish since we believed that it was necessary to balance the
> lack
> of books about Wikipedia in our native language. In any case, we'd be more
> than happy to find some help for an English version in the future :)
> Feel free to send me any questions or comments (or help offers ;) ) about
> it.
> Best,
> Felipe
> --
> José Felipe Ortega Soto       | Researcher & Project Manager
>                              | GSyC/Libresoft - U. Rey Juan Carlos
> Twitter/Identi.ca: @jfelipe   | Library Building - Office B-003
> http://libresoft.es/          | Camino del Molino s/n.28943 Fuenlabrada.
> Madrid
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