[Filmfestivalresearch] New Voices in Cinephilia event with Girish Shambu - Wed 26 October

Rachel Johnson R.Johnson at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Oct 18 13:38:32 CEST 2022

Dear film festival research colleagues

I hope you are all doing well. I write to share details of an event that might be of interest to those researching cinephilia, film cultures and decolonization:

New Voices in Cinephilia event with Girish Shambu
Wednesday 26 October 2-3:30pm (UK London time) on Zoom
New Voices in Cinephilia is an event series led by University of Leeds researchers Rachel Johnson and Stephanie Dennison that will bring together academics, PGRs and industry practitioners to scope recent developments in inclusive and decolonising film cultures expressed in new practices of film production, curation and criticism.
Everyone is welcome to join the second (online) event of the series led by film critic Girish Shambu. In 2019 Shambu published a widely discussed manifesto on New Cinephilia which calls for a rejection of the privileging of certain identities (eg white, male, heterosexual) over others, upon which  "old" cinephilia has historically been constructed. In this workshop participants will have the opportunity to discuss the manifesto with the author, ask questions, raise issues, highlight practices in particular locales, and so on.
Participants are asked to sign up on Eventbrite<https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-workshop-on-new-cinephilia-with-girish-shambu-tickets-416274587497> and if possible, read in advance of the session the (short) manifesto For a New Cinephilia<https://online.ucpress.edu/fq/article/72/3/32/29316/For-a-New-Cinephilia> (in Film Quarterly, 2019).
Please direct any questions you might have to the event series administrator, Clarissa Guarini: mlcg at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:mlcg at leeds.ac.uk>

All the best


Dr R Johnson
Lecturer in Film Studies
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
University of Leeds | LS2 9JT

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