January 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 1 11:44:48 CET 2008
Ending: Thu Jan 31 00:48:52 CET 2008
Messages: 45
- <videovortex> Thank you!
Tilman Baumgärtel
- <videovortex> multitude.tv: A YouTube parasite - Matthew Mitchem’s response
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> Video Addiction - A confession by Seth Keen
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> 24/7 DIY Video Summit - "an online video revolution"
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> remix remix - 24/7 DIY curation
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> videovortex Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> back down under & thanks!!
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> video art is a cat
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> hammering vlogs
Seth Keen
- <videovortex> videovortex Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9
Patrick Lichty
- <videovortex> Video message conformity
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> China: unprecedented censorship measures to be applied to online video and audio files
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> videovlog workshop on the day before the videovortex conference
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> countdown to videovortex conference in amsterdam
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> Video Vortex, thanks
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> Computerworld: YouTube blocked in Turkey (plus 30 comments)
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> found channels: slum-tv.info
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> Rhizome News: Play This
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> Iraqis mock US soldiers and themselves on You Tube
Geert Lovink
- <videovortex> Video channels and .TVs
Mitchem Matthew M.
- <videovortex> Rhizome News: Beyond Video Art (Modified by Geert Lovink)
Rhizome News
- <videovortex> A YouTube for Ideas
Sabine Niederer
- <videovortex> Video Vortex report by Malka
Sabine Niederer
- <videovortex> Playlist Video Vortex Screenings
Sabine Niederer
- <videovortex> Thank you!
Shirley Niemans
- <videovortex> resistances for video artists to post on the web (Re: videovortex Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9)
Eleonora Oreggia
- <videovortex> more blogs
Eleonora Oreggia
- <videovortex> resistances for video artists to post on the web (Re: videovortex Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9)
ReindeR Rustema
- <videovortex> V2V and dictionary of war
Florian Schneider
- <videovortex> Video message conformity
Tom Sherman
- <videovortex> Video Vortex and Vernacular Video
Tom Sherman
- <videovortex> two blog entries: text of presentation and some thoughts to the conference
Valentin Spirik
- <videovortex> two blog entries: text of presentation and some thoughts to the conference
Valentin Spirik
- <videovortex> Thank you!
Andreas Treske
- <videovortex> magazines and books
- <videovortex> videovortex Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9
Jay dedman
- <videovortex> resistances for video artists to post on the web (Re: videovortex Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9)
Jay dedman
- <videovortex> Semanal video project
Jay dedman
- <videovortex> Bush's speech
Jay dedman
- <videovortex> found channels: slum-tv.info
Jay dedman
- <videovortex> faces meeting saturday
- <videovortex> introducing our video project
giuliana tiripelli
- <videovortex> The Whole World / curated by Ian White
vera tollmann
- <videovortex> There's a great clip on YouTube - by Vera Tollmann
vera tollmann
- <videovortex> videovortex Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9
vera tollmann
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 00:48:52 CET 2008
Archived on: Tue Oct 19 13:28:50 CEST 2021
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